Exercise can cause no wonders in few days. All you need is to opt for the set of exercises that works effectively according to the nature of your body. Some exercises have proved to be more effective than others in view of fitness specialists because they initiate the calorie burning process by increasing your metabolic rate. It does not depend on how long and hard you try to burn you extra fat rather it depends upon your add it in your daily routine and work smart.
Some of the best exercises due to their multiple advantages are listed below
Walking: Walking is one kind of work routine that works equally well for not only beginners but regular work out lovers. It is generally accepted walking for an hour can reduce up to five hundred calories and as it takes thirty five thousand calories to lose a pound. Exactly seven hours are needed to lose one pound.
The important points that are needed to be kept in mind before opting walking as your workout routine is; that you start it with ten minutes each day and increase it up to thirty minutes while adding five minutes at a time only.
Squats: In addition to cardiovascular exercises, that increases your metabolic rate to burn calories speedily one need to also add muscular exercises as daily part of routine to strengthen the muscles.
One such type of exercise is called as squats. In which one has to pose as sitting on chair while there is no chair. The feet should be shoulder length apart and back is kept straight while bending knees and lowering down rear. This exercise helps in strengthening your quadriceps, gluteals and hamstrings and especially helpful for people with knee pain.
It is important to perform this exercise accurately so that it proves to be functional.
Push-Ups: Another type of exercise that strengthens your muscles is push ups. It also affects a group of your muscles like shoulder, chest, trunk muscles and triceps. Person with any fitness level can incorporate these into their daily routine starting with low intensity and gradually increasing the pace and time.
One has to keep elbows and hands on floor wider than shoulder length and then adjust body diagonally against the floor. Once the basic strength level is achieved you can further make it harder by initiating T stabilization.
Abdominal crunches: Flat abs or stomach are dream of every person. But flat abs cannot be achieved before burning the extra fat on your stomach by simple formula of utilizing more calories than their consumption.
Flat abs can be achieved by performing routine crunches accurately otherwise they will weaken the abdominal muscles. The simple technique is to lie flat on ground with feet flat against the floor and finger tips supporting neck. Slightly pull inward your chin, shoulders and finally abdomen and look at toes of your feet. Do not keep breath inside while moving upward keep elbows out of vision and make the space open for china and shoulders pointing outward.
If performed correctly with correct set of routine activities it can result with desired result of flat stomach.
All exercises are efficient and can help achieve desired results if performed with correct technique. But if the same exercises are performed inaccurately it can result in hurting you. So, it is advisable if you are new to the field of fitness consult personal trainer or trainer at gym for your safety.
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